Strona główna > News > Study visit of Monument Conservators from all over Poland
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2 February 2023
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31 March 2023

Study visit of Monument Conservators from all over Poland

Combining tradition with modernity


On 9th and 10th of February 2023, the National Institute for Monument Conservation together with the Main Board of Monuments Conservators organized a seminar entitled “Modern technologies in the service of monuments”. The first day of this event was spent by Conservators of Monuments from all over the Poland at the Castle in Łańcut – one of the most valuable aristocratic residences in the country, while on the second day they visited the headquarters of our company. This visit was aimed at introducing our innovative solutions dedicated to the renovation of buildings, efficient solutions, improving energy efficiency, and above all – which is of key importance when modernizing monuments – safe and aesthetic solutions..


Is it possible to combine what is historical and monumental with what innovative?


The plan of the visit which last over 5 hours included both the substantive part: technical presentation, discussion panel, networking, as well as the practical part: a demonstration of the production process combined with a visit to the machine park and participation in the test and research part combined with the presentation of our laboratory facilities. The key element of the whole visit was, of course, the presentation of our finished products: stylized façade panels (board, concrete, marble, brick), roof tiles, quantum glass.

Where did the idea came from to create new solutions of the BIPV line to replace traditional, historical building materials without losing the form of historical objects come from?

– The provisions of the construction law are changing. There are more and more energy requirements for buildings, which will also apply to monuments – said Sylwester Korzeniak, Project Director at ML System, during his presentation. – Each modernization will be associated with the fact that the energy efficiency of the building will have to be improved. And this will be facilitated by new building materials. However, they have been changed so that they retain the appearance and aesthetics of the object of historical value.



It was a great honor for us to be able to present the effects of our work to such distinguished guests. Thank you.


Autor: Piotr

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