On October 12-14, representatives of ML System participated in the TransEXPO International Fair of Public Transport, during which they presented our proprietary Smart City and BIPV solutions at a dedicated exhibition stand. The fair stand was very popular among visitors, who received a dose of substantive knowledge from us and saw our products live.
Photovoltaic construction on the roof or production of free electricity from the walls of the building? PV and BIPV – how do these two solutions differ, and how are they similar, on what basis should you choose between them, and maybe it is worth combining them in one investment? These and many other questions regarding active building materials were answered by the Project Director at ML System – Sylwester Korzeniach during an interview with the CIRE.pl portal.
The full meeting is available at the LINK.
Challenges for local energy in the context of global energy transformation – that was the motto of the conference that took a place on October 4, organized by the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers in Rzeszów, in which the representative of ML System Bartosz Zieliński – Research and Technology Transfer Manager actively participated among the conference speakers. During the meeting, the current steps to protect the society from the energy crisis were discussed.
On October 13-14 was held the second edition of the event organized by the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency in cooperation with the “Aeropolis” Park under the name “Carpathian Startup Fest”, where small companies at the beginning of their career journey have the opportunity to meet experienced entrepreneurs operating in their industries for many years. This year’s event was graced by discussion panels of many exceptional speakers from the business and science world, as well as representatives of our region – the Mayor of the City of Rzeszów, Konrad Fijołek, and Władysław Ortyl – the Marshal of the Subcarpathia Voivodeship. Among the many personalities and leading entrepreneurs from our region, there were also representatives of ML System – Vice President Edyta Stanek and President Dawid Cycoń, as well as Operating Director Grzegorz Batko.
A short relation from the event is available at the LINK.
On November 8, representatives of ML System, at the invitation of the partner – OKNO-POL company trained traders at the company’s headquarters near Kraków who operating on European markets . The training was aimed at familiarizing the participants with the subject of glass and the technology of products from the Smart Glass line from ML System, of which OKNO-POL is a distributor.
ARCHITECT@WORK is an event organized for 15 years throughout Europe, which allows architects to discover selected product innovations on the market, in the field of various building materials and interior design elements. To the group of exhibitors of this year’s edition was joined the ML System team with innovative BIPV solutions. Active building materials generating green energy presented at a special fair exhibition enjoyed great interest among visitors.
More information about the event at the LINK.
On November 15-17, we had the pleasure to take an active part in the international Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. Every year, the SCEWC fair gathers the leaders of the most innovative companies, local governments and organizations directing their activities and initiatives for intelligent sustainable development. At the stand prepared jointly with the Rzeszów City Hall, the great interest among visitors was aroused by the flagship ML System solution from the Smart City area – an intelligent bus shelter.
Video summary from the SCEWC at the LINK.
As part of the CIRE Cafe episode, the editor Janusz Pietruszyński was interviewed by Marcin Pyzik – Director of the Automation Department at ML System, who explained what the company’s proprietary system for managing energy, buildings and small architecture ML SCADA is, what functions it is able to perform and what are the key benefits from its application.
The full meeting is available at the LINK.
On November 23, representatives of the ML System Research and Development Department took part in a conference named “Technologies. Business. Investments.” organized by the Podkarpackie Center of Innovation. This event combines the challenges of the modern economy with the breakthrough technologies of tomorrow. During the meeting were gathered representatives of the leading production companies of the Subcarpathia Voivodeship, local government authorities, business environment institutions and scientists of international recognition.
Modern modeling information about the building, a professional design tool giving access to information about the building at every stage of its creation, implementation of BIPV solutions in architectural designs – about these and other aspects of BIM technology was talked Mateusz Kaczmarczyk with the CIRE.pl portal.
The interview is available at the LINK.
On November 26, during a ceremonial gala organized at the Zamek Biskupi Hotel were awarded statuettes and titles of the Ambassador of the East in several fields. The 14-person Jury of the Competition awarded ML System with the title of Ambassador of the East in the “Brand” category, which is for us an appreciation of the company’s work and contribution to the promotion of the Subcarpathia region. The award was received by the representatives of ML System: Wioleta Grzybowska – Marketing Department Manager and Sabina Kozieł – Glass Sales Department Director.
Video summarizing the gala can be viewed at the LINK.
This year’s list of 100 Women of the Year 2022 by “Forbes Women” includes women who are icons and role models in the world of business, finance, science or sports, as well as outstanding artists, activists and political activists. Among this honorable group was also the President of ML System – Edyta Stanek, who was appreciated for co-creating the ML System company, described as “one of the most interesting Polish technology companies, specializing in the creation, design and production of systems based on photovoltaic cell technology. ”
The full list of 100 women of 2022 is available at the LINK.
The Institute of European Business awarded ML System with titles in 4 categories:
The European Business Institute analyzes the financial results of enterprises based on official and authentic financial data from the National Court Register. The analysis is carried out in order to distinguish those companies which, thanks to their activities, deserve to be called a reliable economic partner.
In this year’s “Subcarpathia Economic Award 2022” competition, ML System was awarded in 2 categories:
The aim of the twenty-first edition of the competition is to select a group of the best and most economically active companies in Subcarpathia region, which thanks to the results achieved in their operations, are or may become a model for others. At the gala, the award was received by representatives of ML System: Artur Modlisz – Deputy Director of the Automation Department and Wioleta Grzybowska – Manager of the Marketing Department.
In the hard December winter period, the Management Board and employees of ML System helped the local community. As part of it, we visited the Children’s Home in Rzeszów and the Communal Social Welfare Center in Trzebownisko to give donations to those in need in the form of necessary equipment for everyday functioning as well as financial and material support.