Strona główna > News > Grand Opening ceremony of ML System S. A. in Zaczernie
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Grand Opening ceremony of ML System S. A. in Zaczernie

On 18th February 2106 held the grand opening of the new office and production facility of the ML System S. A. company in Zaczernie.

In the presence of many guests, friends and co-workers we’re pleased with the success of this large-scale investment, which was the culmination of many years of work and strategies, which our company adopted and is consistently developing. The ribbon cutting ceremony together with the company owners made also Mr Adam Hamryszczak –  Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development.

The new building was built as an investment task entitled: “The construction of the production building with office-social space and research laboratory” in the framework of the project entitled: “Production implementation by the ML System of hybrid photovoltaic panel Nofrost,” which is part of the financing agreement No. UDA-POIG.04.06.00-18-016 / 12-00, in the framework of Pilot Support for the first implementation of the invention in the Priority Axis 4 Investments in innovative undertakings Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007 – 2013. The whole complex has 6 thousand. sq. m., within a building there is production hall and a research laboratory. We created three production lines: precision glass processing, assembling glass and printing photovoltaic cells.


Grand Opening ceremony of ML System S. A. in Zaczernie 18th February 2016.
ML System
Autor: ML System

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